Avidii Olympiad 2024

Participate in the Avidii Olympiad to become better at school, learn more, and have a bright future. Register Now and join the Olympiad to do great in your studies!

olympiad exam

Start Your Olympiad Journey Now

  • Register
  • Prepare
  • Win Prizes and Scholarships

About the Olympiad

The Olympiad is specifically tailored for school students who aspire to pursue careers in engineering, medicine and government services. The focus is on students who face socio-economic disadvantages and limited access to quality education. By addressing the educational and socio-economic gaps, the Olympiad aims to provide equal opportunities and empower these students to break free from the cycle of marginalization.
about the olympiad

Experience the Impact of Olympiad

Discover the transformative impact of Olympiad participation

Sharpen Analytical Skills

Cultivate a sharp analytical, reasoning, and problem-solving mindset.

Sharpen Analytical Skills

Strengthen Academic Profile

Enhance your academic profile and pave the way for a successful future.

Strengthen Academic Profile

Gain Concept Clarity

Achieve better concept clarity and excel in your learning journey.

Gain Concept Clarity

Embrace Competition

Develop a competitive spirit and stay aware of the latest advancements.

Embrace Competition

Elevate Academic Performance

Witness a remarkable improvement in your academic performance.

Elevate Academic Performance

Access Knowledge and Resources

Gain an extra edge with access to abundant knowledge and resources.

Access Knowledge and Resources

As seen on


1. Which syllabus will be covered in the exam?
A: The syllabus of their respective standard State board will be covered as the basic syllabus.
2. Which subjects will be covered?
A: Grade 6-10: Science-Physics, Chemistry, Biology, General Awareness,  General English and Maths
     Grade 11-12: PCB and PCM, English and General Awareness.
3. What is the duration of avidii olympiad exam?
A: Exam Duration-120 mins
4. How to Participate in Olympiad Exam 2024?
A: Olympiad registrations are done online. You can visit on https://avidii.com/olympiad to register for avidii Olympiad 2024.
5. What are the details regarding the Counseling & Mentoring process/platform?
A: After the registration, we will be offering career counseling services to the students. These services will serve as a guidance platform to assist students in mapping out their steps toward specific career directions. This counseling will provide valuable insights and support for students as they plan their educational and career journeys.